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Labelled Force-directed Layout

Let's enhance this view by labelling nodes, and scaling each label based ont eh degree of the corresponding node.


NetPanorama specification

"x": 50,
"y": 50,

"data": [
"name": "players",
"format": {"type": "csv"},
"url": "/data/tulip/chess.candidates.1948.1990.csv",
"transform": [{"type": "addIndex", "as": "id"}]
"name": "games",
"format": {"type": "csv"},
"url": "/data/tulip/"

"networks": [
"name": "net",
"nodes": "players",
"links": "games",
"directed": false,
"source_node": [ "Name", "Player 1" ],
"target_node": [ "Name", "Player 2" ],

Calculate the degree of each node.

"transform": [
{"type": "metric", "metric": "degree"}


"layouts": [
"name": "net-layout",
"network": "net",
"type": "d3-force"

Define a scale mapping from degree to text size...

"name": "textSize",
"type": "linear",
"domain": [0, 40],
"range": [12, 40]

"vis": [
"entries": "net.links",
"layout": "net-layout",
"mark": {
"type": "linkpath",
"start": "source",
"end": "target"
"entries": "net.nodes",
"layout": "net-layout",
"mark": {
"type": "circle",
"area": 70,
"fill": "steelblue",
"tooltip": { "field": "Name" }

...and use this to scale a label for each node.

"entries": "net.nodes",
"layout": "net-layout",
"mark": {
"type": "text",
"dy": -25,
"align": "center",
"text": {"field": "Name"},
"fill": "black",
"fontSize": {"field": "degree", "scale": "textSize"}



Note that rather than defining a scale for the text size, we could instead specify an equivalent expression:

"fontSize": {"expression": "1.1 *"}