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Equivalent GLO specification

Substrate Nodes on x by attribute0
Substrate Nodes on y by attribute1
Aggregate Nodes by attribute0 and attribute1
Size Nodes by Count
Show x Axis
Show y Axis
Display Links as Curved
Display All Links
Set Target Generation 1
Set Source Generation 1

NetPanorama specification

"x": 300,
"y": 300,

Load data

"data": [
"name": "nodes",
"url": "/data/les-mis-nodes.csv",
"format": {"type": "csv", "parse": { "id": "number" } }
"name": "links",
"url": "/data/les-mis-links.json"

Construct network

"networks": [
"name": "network",
"nodes": "nodes",
"links": "links",
"directed": true,
"source_node": [ "id", "source" ],
"target_node": [ "id", "target" ],
"metrics": [
{ "metric": "degree" },
{ "metric": "closeness" }

"transform": [

Perform Louvain clustering

{"type": "cluster", "method": "louvain"},

Aggregate nodes based on sex and the cluster ids we just calculated, then aggregate edges

{"type": "aggregateNodes", "fields": ["sex", "louvain"]},
{"type": "aggregateEdges", "directed": false}


Define scales for node color, x- and y- coordinates, and colors.

"scales": [

{"name": "nodeSize", "type": "linear", "domain": [0, 14], "range": [0, 2000]}

{"name": "x", "type": "ordinal", "domain": ["M", "F"], "range": [0, 100]},
{"name": "y", "type": "linear", "domain": [0, 10], "range": [0, 100]},

"name": "color",
"type": "linear",
"scheme": "category20",
"domain": [0, 20]

Define a layout that positions nodes based on their sex and cluster id.

"layouts": [
"name": "pivotLayout",
"data": "network.nodes",
"pattern": "cartesian",
"x": [{"scale": "x", "field": ""}],
"y": [{"scale": "y", "field": "key.louvain"}]

"vis": [

Represent each link by a curve, with a width that depends on the number of original links that were aggregated into it.

"entries": "network.links",
"layout": "pivotLayout",
"mark": {
"type": "linkpath",
"start": "source",
"end": "target",
"strokeWidth": {"expression": " * 1"},
"stroke": "black",
"shape": "curveSymmetric"
"tooltip": {"expression": " + ' links between ' + + ' in cluster ' + datum.source.key.louvain + ' and ' + + ' in cluster ' + "}

Represent each node by a circle, with area determined by the number of original nodes that were aggregated to form it, and colored based on the cluster id.

"entries": "network.nodes",
"layout": "pivotLayout",
"mark": {
"type": "circle",
"area": {"field": "count", "scale": "nodeSize"},
"fill": { "field": "key.louvain", "scale": "color" },
"tooltip": {"expression": " 'Sex: ' + + '. Cluster: ' + datum.key.louvain + '. Num nodes: ' + datum.count "}