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Adding interactivity

Now, let's add some interactivity.

When the user mouses-over a node, highlight the links to and from that node.

"data": [
"name": "data",
"url": "/data/blogs/network.csv",
"format": {"type": "csv"}

We add two parameters

"parameters": [

This selection parameter records the currently selected node.

"name": "selected_node",
"action": "replace",
"network": "network",
"type": "selection"

This selection parameter records the links connected to from the selected node.

"name": "outlinks",
"source": "selected_node",
"network": "network", // temporary hack
"transform": [
"type": "connectedEdges"


"networks": [
"name": "network",
"links": "data",
"directed": true,
"source_node": [ "id", "source" ],
"target_node": [ "id", "target" ],

"transform": [
{"type": "metric", "metric": "degree"}
{"type": "filterNodes", "expression": " > 2 "}
{"type": "cluster", "method": "louvain"},
{"type": "metric", "metric": "in-degree", "as": "indegree"}

"layouts": [
"name": "layout",
"network": "network",
"type": "d3-force"

"scales": [
"name": "color",
"type": "linear",
"scheme": "category20",
"domain": [0, 20]
"name": "area",
"type": "linear",
"range": [0, 1000],
"domain": [0, 32]

"vis": [
"entries": "network.links",
"layout": "layout",
"mark": {
"type": "linkpath",
"start": "source",
"end": "target"

"entries": "network.nodes",
"layout": "layout",
"mark": {
"type": "circle",
"area": {"field": "indegree", "scale": "area"},
"fill": {"field": "louvain", "scale": "color"},
"tooltip": {"expression": " + ' (cluster ' + datum.louvain + ', indegree ' + datum.indegree + ')' "}

Mousing-over the node will update the value of the selected_node selection

"actions": [
"interaction": "select",
"using": "cursor",
"event": "mouseover",
"action": "replace",
"selection": "selected_node"


"entries": "network.nodes",
"layout": "layout",
"mark": {
"type": "text",
"text": {"field": "id"},
"align": "center",

The labels for nodes with in-degree <= 10 will have fill set to "none", so they won't intercept mouseover events

for node circles underneath them.

"fill": {
"condition": {
"test": "datum.indegree > 10",
"value": "black"
"value": "none"


Draw a red line on top of the visualization for currently selected links.

"entries": "network.links",
"layout": "layout",
"ifInSelection": "outlinks.links",
"mark": {
"type": "linkpath",
"start": "source",
"end": "target",
"stroke": "red",
"endMarker": {"shape": "triangle", "stepBack": 10}
