Airport Connections Example
Vega Airport Connections Example and the corresponding tutorial.
Vega example
NetPanorama example
Vega specification
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Signals required for interactivity |
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load data for background map |
load flight data, and apply transform to calculate total number of flights per airport |
Load airport data and transform: join with flight counts, remove airports with no flights, project lat/lon, remove airports with unknown location, compute Voroni cell around each airport, and sort by flight count |
load flight data, and transform to: remove all rows except for those whose origin is the hovered-over airport, then construct linkpath |
Projections and scales |
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draw shapes for states |
draw a circle for each airport |
draw an invisible Voronoi cell around each airport to act as a hover target |
draw a path for each flight route from the hovered node |
display the name of the hovered airport |
NetPanorama specification
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Define paramaters: my_selection will be directly updated by interactions, and then neighbours will be auto-updated to include its neighbours. |
Load data... |
...and assemble into a network. Then remove nodes with no connections, and calculate total flight count for each airport. |
Define a scale to set the node sizes. |
Specify which basemap to use, and which geographic region to show. |
Construct a layout that positions nodes correctly relative to the basemap. |
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Render links to neighbours of the selected node. |
Render nodes. |
On mouseover, update the selected node. |
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Display name and IATA code for selected node. |
Display the basemap. |